My research article titled "The Changing Face of the West and the Indian Diaspora: Reading Anita Desai, Bharati Mukherjee, Sunetra Gupta and Jhumpa Lahiri" has been published in the book
Concepts and Contexts of Diasporic Literature of India, Ed. K. V. Dominic, ISBN: 9789381030240, New Delhi: Gnosis/Authorspress Publications, 2011.
On 2nd November 2011 Naseeruddin Shah delivered the Nabayug Acharya Memorial Lecture on "Literature and Theatre" at the Darbhanga Hall, University of Calcutta. The hall was filled with students, researchers, teachers and officials, all eager to listen to the actor's speech and some perhaps to get a picture of his. The speaker didn't disappoint, just as he said that for an actor the most important thing is the word.