My short story, "The Story of Nan Phu", has been shortlisted in the Wordweavers Writing Contest 2013. Visit, read and review -
Conference paper, written in collaboration with Bhawana Jain of Nice Sophia-Antipolis University (France), published.
"Food in the Culture of India and the Indian Diaspora: An Analysis through the Selected Works of Anita Desai." DESI: La Revue No. 2 (Diasporas: Etudes Des Singularities Indiennes – Circulations). Eds. Jean-Francois Baillon and Anthony Goreau-Ponceaud. ISBN: 978-2-86781-870-7. BORDEAUX: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2013, Pp. 171-89.
Can be had from -
Sunetra Gupta included in Curie gallery -
Conference paper, written in collaboration with Bhawana Jain of Nice Sophia-Antipolis University (France), published.
"Food in the Culture of India and the Indian Diaspora: An Analysis through the Selected Works of Anita Desai." DESI: La Revue No. 2 (Diasporas: Etudes Des Singularities Indiennes – Circulations). Eds. Jean-Francois Baillon and Anthony Goreau-Ponceaud. ISBN: 978-2-86781-870-7. BORDEAUX: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2013, Pp. 171-89.
Sunetra Gupta included in Curie gallery -